I would like to introduce myself. I am Anita Bruton from Wisconsin.
I am a former mortgage professional who decided to build a web site for mortgage professionals.
When I came up with the idea I knew nothing about web design. It has been a long and hard journey to get the site where its at. I finally felt satisfied enough to "go live" about six or seven weeks ago.
Now I am working on adding more and more material and updating it as well as marketing and trying to find advertisers.
Every aspect of the site has been done by me and me alone. Totally self taught. But I am glad I did it that way as I now know a lot of ins and outs and tips that I would never have known if I would have had someone else do it for me.
I am glad to be here and hope that I will learn even more through this forum.
Anita Bruton
Mortgage Vendor Network
Gateway to Success for the Mortgage Professional

Maybe you can pick up a few tips and learn more around here.. who knows?
The Royal Ram