Alright well i need to know how to space a table or a 'cell' slightly off from the edges or slightly away from the middle or whatnot. I used it a while ago, it was like <hspace="#"> or something but i cant remember! what is it? and where does it go? i read somewhere it goes like in the code like <td hspace="10"></td> but it doesnt work, are there any other ways to space things out like this? not a lot just like some PX or something, like if i wat a pic or a table to move 10 px to the right or left or whatnot. I know u can use like <div></div> or something but ive never really used any spacing type codes much so. any help is appreciated
soo like? You dont want the content to be touching the edges? If so, in the table tag, you need an attribute such as...
2 is equal to 2 pixels, so keep that in mind.
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use this code: "top:50px;left:15px;"
<div id="position:absolute; top:20px; left:20px; width:200px; height: 200px:">
(your stuff)
<div id="position:absolute; top:20px; left:20px; width:200px; height: 200px:"><i>Sincerely,
<br>CEO/Owner<br>Digital Ebay</i></b></font></div>
and it just sits there, why does it do that? if i use &nbps; it moves it like 1px at a time so thats not wat i want to use id have like a page of those just to move them over. so any other things?
ok i used the wyiwyg part of the editor i use to move it and i look at the code and it did this
<i> ;
<br> nbsp;
CEO/Owner<br> sp;
Digital Ebay</i></b></font>
wtf? i would have thought it would use something more effective than that, but eh ill just leave it like that for now. but if anyone knows of any good code that i can use to precisely space out that would be great, or tell me wat im doing wrong wit the <div></div> tags thanx
You ended a CSS thing with : where it should be a ; ...
And you have closed two tags you didnt even open.
Plus, NEVER EVER let me see you use <b>, <i> or <font> again.
Do this:
<div id="position:absolute;top:20px;left:20px;width:200px;height:200px;font-style:oblique;">
Digital Ebay</div>
The "font-style:oblique" will make that text inside the div italic.
I always use <B></B> and <i></i> and <font></font> and they always work so why no? i dont use CSS so thats wat i use. Oh and i did close the tags, the beginning of the tags are in the beginning of this paragraph. I tried that one u posted and still nothing, i put it in a new page to see if it would work and it just puts it in the top left like normal, i know this is the normal position because i tried it without the <div> tags and its in the same place like if the tags had no effect on them. do i need to save the file as a certain file? or do i save as HTML? im using an HTML editor (Allaire Homesite 4.5) this is kinda weird that nothing seems to work
you have <div id="blah...
Should be <div style="blah...
And <b>, <i>, <u> and <font> don't always work.
Its a pretty basic rule to just avoid them at all costs.
If you use a css style sheet do this:
.b {font-weight:bold;}
and then:
<span class="b">bold</span>
.b{font-weight:bold;} and the bold text goes here? or do i need this also
<span class="b">bold</span>? thanx
then on your page you put the <span class="b">text here</span>