Hello everyone,
I have just "finished" my web site
http://www.prnetfirms.com/education.htm and will like your opinions. Be advise the site is very simple as I am new to this and have jsut started using Frontpage. But my biggest concer is that the site looks clean. Simple but clean. I will appreciate your suggestions all of the are welcome as well as some advice to improve it.
Thank You
opiapr :rog:
Did you space out your tables, unfortunately im at work and they have disable the source viewing from the computers so i cant tell. Also, what's with all the information about eBay?
I'd also suggest try making the text bigger and maybe a different font, just makes it a little easier to read. The most commonly used fonts used (for which i've seen) is Arial, Tahoma and Verdana. But i wouldn’t exceed 12px because it will make your pages a little "large". Basically from what i can see your trying to hard, i know your new to HTML, CSS (if any, again i cant see) so i dont wanna put you off or anything. Other from that, its pretty cool. Also, have you tried adding graphics? If not try creating your using Photoshop (if available to yourself). Maybe try making your own header.. emm logo, sorry i forgot what they were called for a second.. i blame my boss walking past me putting me off :P.
But yea' like i said, keep at it and you’ll notice great improvement quickly.
Regards, James
Otherwise, I don't see much else to say.
UPDATE: I had changed the text from Time New Roman 8pnt to Arial 10pnt I had also eliminated the tables I were using for the divisions. This one is good thanks to all you I discovered that is a lot easy to get the text were I want it if I do not use the tables. I am looking to create a logo and add more content. I have been looking for some dynamic content "free one" and see how I can make it look a little bit more nice every day.
I will appreciate more suggestion and opinion as I said ALL opinions critisim is good it make me see the errors I did't saw before. Also if someone know were to get some "free" dynamic content (preferebly education or professionally based) I will appreciated.
Thanks To All :rog:
Just let you know i've viewed your source code now and the second box is also appears in my Macromedia Dreamweaver on lines from 249 to 279. I've never had the "joy" of using Frontpage so im not 100% sure it tells the line numbers or not.
Just thought i'd bring that to your attention. If you have a look at the link i've posted below you'll see that a large percentage of people use Firefox, so you might want to try and make your pages compatible to them also.
I hope im not putting you off by all this, just thought you should be aware of Firefox.
Thanks for all the help.
It displays relatively well in Opera 8 though there's a rather large white gap at the bottom which isn't needed, but shouldn't cause any problems to your users.
I'm assuming (because I'm lazy and can't be bothered to start firefox) that it looks the same in Gecko (mozilla's HTML rendering engine that reads code and draws the page in the browser) since Opera and Mozilla browser generally show very similar results (because both are based on strong standards support and this leads to a choice between the commercial Opera or open source firefox, but I have a registered version of Opera, a copy of firefox and basic mozilla suite and Explorer 6 as well as the PSP inbuilt browser).
I would suggest that you try to avoid using Frontpage though.
Frontpage has made a name for itself as a poorly developed, Explorer only page editor and there's really no need to use it unless you can't afford anything else (in which case, you'd be better off learning HTML since all OS's come with the tools required to code it as you just need a text editor and a browser).
Dreamweaver is the lesser evil in terms of commercial WYSIWYG editing, but it still isn't perfect.
Frontpage poorly builds code and this can be seen by checking your page source with W3C's online validation service.
In short, it's good as it does what it aims to, it's simple and relatively easy to find your way around.
Frontpage is the work of satan and it only likes making sites viewable in Explorer while even some Microsoft staff who work in their internet technology division use firefox
Current project: CMS Object.
Most recent change: Theme support is up and running... So long as I use my theme resource loaders instead of that in the Rails plug-in.
Release date: NEVER!!!