Hi, this post is to seperate the "Hijacking" of this
I have found a interesting little tutorial on integrating phpBB into an entire site.
Have a look.
Integrating phpBB With Your Website I found this over at phpBBhacks.com
I suggest you use a login form to process this php scripting... you can then call the above script login.php
[HTML]<form action="login.php" method="post"><input type="text" name="username"><br /><input type="password" name="password"><br />
<input type="submit" value="login" name="login">
just insert the above into your html
Also remember if you are inegrating html into php you can not have double quotes...
for example
"<im src="YOURIMAGE.gif" />";
will not work
You must insert forward slashes into the html as in
"<im src=\"YOURIMAGE.gif\" />";
This will tell the php to ignore the html quotations
you can also open and close the php
Questions and comments to follow
"<img src='YOURIMAGE.gif' />";
You could also use apostrophes (think thats spelt right) as i find it saves time when coding so you dont have to keep writing \" all the time
I had this whole thing working nicely and then bam it broke...DOH...ofcourse I didnit save the working pieces seperatly so now Im back to square one...lol...
However I never really realized the power of phpBB...you can really do a lot with this forum and the best part its oopen source
though what sucks is my computer that i use for developing all my php applications just got loaded with some deadly virus so im having a helluva time getting it out, so i have to use my "school" computer which doesnt have anything on it