i put this thread here cause im asking 2 qu's and aint got time to do 2 threads so i need a logo for my site just a plain one with funky writing which says dnacities.net but i aint got the software can some make like a plain one for me intill i get the software that i can make it myself. its for the auction on my site and i want it up and running so i can advertuse the site loads and loads.he he he.
what software do you guys think i should get. im really thinking of flash its easy to use and it takes a short amount of time time to make a graphic?
mods and admins this post might or even should be in requests but i got dial-up so cant be asked to copy and paste and then go to requests. also im totally tired been working for 3 days and also camped those 3 days and i got a hangover. so don't warn or nothing like that. hope that was a good reason for this topic.
night night.
for the sake of old times!

regular images are better than flash
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