I thought this was an interesting article from Turnbulls Blog (link below):
How Not to Advertise
Here is my own little guide on how not to advertise a website.
Any form of spam will give your site bad credibility. I remember a statistic that only 0.00001% of people actually buys products through those e-mails with subjects like ?Buy Cheap Viagra!!!!? ? so spam doesn?t convert that well. There isn?t just e-mail spam, all forms of spam: blog comment spam, forum spam, digg.com spam and all the other ways to get your site noticed. The only real exception to this is MySpace Spam.
What is Auto-Surf? Basically, you leave your web browser running and it visits a bunch of sites and each time you view a site you get ?credit?. You can use this ?credit? to have people view your site in just the same way. The thing is, people are never at the computer whilst doing this, making auto-surfing fairly pointless, unless you want to inflate your stats.
Very similar to auto-surfing, except it isn?t automatic. You have to manually click ?Next Site? with each site you view, making this more reliable than auto-surfing, but you could be using this time for something a lot more useful. All in all ? stay away from traffic exchanges and auto-surfing.
Link Farms
Link Farms or FFA Link Pages are simply a page dedicated to try and boost your Google Pagerank, now Google isn?t that stupid. Sites that are noticed using link farms or FFA pages will be penalized or banned from Google. I am not talking about a web directory, they?re fine, I?m talking about just 1 page, where you can add your link, and that?s it?s only purpose.
Paid Traffic
Those deals that say $3.99 for 1000 visitors are worthless ? they are usually either:
Pop Up Traffic
Fake Traffic from the same source
Other unwanted Source
Paid Traffic is 100% useless (no, I don?t mean PPC) ? stay away.
Anyway, I can't stress enough how valid his points are.
Buying traffic is pointless, link farms can only hurt you in the SE ratings, spamming give you and your site negative branding, and I don't even want to bother getting into traffic exchanges.
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Yup, the shocker for me was that it was so pointless to buy traffic.
If I had only read that last week before I bought some traffic for this site, lol
Come on guys this is why the grid project needs your help!!
I deal with at least 10-100 spammers a day there a pain in the rear end!!!
Its a fairly small community, so there may not be many visits, but its word of mouth that is the best advertising for me
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