the only reason its a jpg image is because i was only messing around. like the title says it is only a quick design for practice and i dont plan to use it
The Royal Ram
rallyfanAdvanced UserVPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
But.. that layout doesn't really take CSS skills..
You could just use float: left; on the three columns, which are absolutely widthed which takes out one complication, have them in a containing DIV, and then have your logo's div above that. Then you use the box model hack a few times, add overflow: scroll; to the left column and you're done.
CSS is easier to learn than HTML. and much easier than PHP.
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Just spend half an hour looking at that and your way ahead! lol
100% on the other hand has some uses :P
you can guarentee it works on all browsers then...except text based ones which people wouldnt be using to look at my site anyway
I suppose I chould have said that CSS is easier to learn than perfect HTML...
And besides... It's pretty mucn a nesecity (sp?)... How else can you colour your text etc without <font>, , , etc...???
Search engines sometimes have trouble with layouts not properly coded. This means that it may not index it correctly, and possibly not even index the entire page.
it means spelling?... Basically I was unsure of how to spell it so I just put what I thought it might be... lol.
and at the end of my post I was listing tags like font, b, i, u, etc... lol
The Royal Ram
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it looks simple and fresh its easy on the eyes
I agree it looks plain; also, your top bar should be GIF or PNG, never JPG for anything that's not over 64 colors or a photo.
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The Royal Ram
never knew you knew quite good css skills.
^when we are in welsh
The Royal Ram
You could just use float: left; on the three columns, which are absolutely widthed which takes out one complication, have them in a containing DIV, and then have your logo's div above that. Then you use the box model hack a few times, add overflow: scroll; to the left column and you're done.
Host Assessment | Tetris | Blog | Great Big Blog
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Again, my 2 cents worth... :P
It's easier than it sounds.
For me I learned what I know basically like I was being retaught something I already knew, it was really easy.
Host Assessment | Tetris | Blog | Great Big Blog
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Anyway, I'm sticking to HTML and simple PHP at the moment...
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Just spend half an hour looking at that and your way ahead!
The Royal Ram
i found itt he other way round, although html that validates is probably harder than html
The Royal Ram
you can guarentee it works on all browsers then...except text based ones which people wouldnt be using to look at my site anyway
The Royal Ram
And besides... It's pretty mucn a nesecity (sp?)... How else can you colour your text etc without <font>, , , etc...???
I use valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS-2.
Search engines sometimes have trouble with layouts not properly coded. This means that it may not index it correctly, and possibly not even index the entire page.
Host Assessment | Tetris | Blog | Great Big Blog
Buy Video Games | Nathan
Video Game Cheats Hints Codes | Click Joke | Game Livewire
and at the end of my post I was listing tags like font, b, i, u, etc... lol