Hi Frendz,
I was working with the new Megaupload Toolbar creating problem for all old methods to download without the Toolbar Installation thats always warned by my system as a Spyware.
So, I tried my hands on it and developed an IE based simple & FREE very limited featured Browser to just support Megaupload Download Links.
NOTE : Site is under construction, so on LINK Page if more items are present then look for "ABK NOMegaUpBAR Browser v1"
It works as an alternative to Megaupload Toolbar, & interact with the Megaupload Site assuming it that Toolbar is installed and brings the Download Code Entry Page to you, so no problem of Free Slots or compulsion of Toolbar.
Its completely COST & SPYWARE FREE.
'n Worke for Me, so If it doesn't work for you, let me know with the results its showing
I'll try to make necessary changes
LiNK ::
For firefox, the easiest direct way is:
Type: about:config in the Firefox address bar
-Search for general.useragent.extra.firefox
-Double click on it
-Change the default text with this: Firefox/2.0 MEGAUPLOAD 1.0
just make a reg file with the following content and apply it to registery ... it will work for internet explorer .... use internet download manager or flashget for resume support downloads from megaupload or sendspace.....
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent\Post Platform]
"Alexa Toolbar"=""
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Internet Settings\User Agent\Post Platform]
"Alexa Toolbar"="{