yeah I used tutoriazlied stuff as temporary content to make it look like it would if it was live...
I know it looks like the current version but it is supposed to.
It is basically just a rearranged version with some improvements...
Ive been told by a whole load of people that the site doesnt need a new design. It just needs reorganising and to only use 2 columns... Which is exactly what the above design does....
Or maybe make the text in the buttons engraved/embossed... Or make the text/buttons 3D (I think pillow or cusion 3d or whatever its called might be good.
Photoshop Tutorials- Coming soon
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Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's
I know it looks like the current version but it is supposed to.
It is basically just a rearranged version with some improvements...
Ive been told by a whole load of people that the site doesnt need a new design. It just needs reorganising and to only use 2 columns... Which is exactly what the above design does....
The Royal Ram
The Royal Ram
But I still think its missing something. But I can't put my finger on it.
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also, i bet you dd will go way up in value...
How Im going to do that I have no idea.
What font would you suggest? It needs to be a font which 99%+ people have installed on their computer.
The Royal Ram
Photoshop Tutorials- Coming soon
Premium PHP Scripts- Coming soon
Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's
The Royal Ram
The Royal Ram
The Royal Ram
They need to stay as text
The Royal Ram
I'll let you have that one.