I have 47 members at my SMF forum.
yeah, I know I never told you about it.
I never told ANYOBDY about it. I installed it (and a bunch of themes) for the hell of it, to see how easy it was, etc...
For some reason, 46 people have signed up.
169 member on the website od the city I live in (the population is estimated to 6500 and this isn't bad number)... i've recently erased about 50 who weren't there for more than 3 months...
on the other forum I have 2 members with 0 posts i am one of the members it is http://www.thefirstpick.com/forum and the intention is to discust about software, new versions and something like that... but I have to admit that I haven't advertised it anywhere (except a small link on the site)...
But it had about 275 members before selling. But most with under 2 posts.
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VolumeBoost - Member Chosen Music News
The Royal Ram
I am trying to find ways to increase the membership!
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Gateway to Success for the Mortgage Professional
yeah, I know I never told you about it.
I never told ANYOBDY about it. I installed it (and a bunch of themes) for the hell of it, to see how easy it was, etc...
For some reason, 46 people have signed up.
on the other forum I have 2 members with 0 posts