Hi Everyone
My name is Tempy and im a member from the TWI and WWWC I see a few names i know lol Moddy Katra Lurk and Gina..

All the hard work they do helping others...
Im married live in Italy and I got a dairy farm .. Parmesan Cheese .. been playing with PsP for about 3 years now.. I think..lol But I got wild addicted to Bryce by the help of Moddy and Katra..lol

Hope to get to know you all soon
Welcome Tempy! Thanks for coming! We love TWI and WWWC here. How did you find that great group of girls/lurk?
Isn't Katra the most insanley amazing artist? I can't believe her stuff!
Please tell us the address of your site. You'll have to be a little creative like: w ww.website.com as it won't let you use URL's until you have 15 posts.
I was in Italy back in the Spring, absolutly loved it, what general area of Italy are you from?
Also can't wait to see some of your Bryce work:)
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Been with the TWI awhile now.. and WWWC when it started..lol Katra and Moddy are both awsome as artists and a friend.. My site called Crazy4Creations,freespaces,com
I live just outside Parma Northwest Italy Where did abouts did you go pfgannon???
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We look forward to your participation.
~ Jared