I'm a noob to PHP/MYSQL coding.Another person said the other thread was old so I figured I still needed help.
I'm looking for a user login script for a noob.I need to do to following:
Admin manger (NABD)
custom page for each member.
Thanks. Anything will really help.
EDIT: It wont let me post the link.
IPB (Invision Power Board)
vBullitin (the one used here)
These are the most popular ones. Try them if you want to.
Hope this helps...
- xPureNLx
However, try writng the URL that you found like this: ww w.WebSite.com.
w ww.webmasterpost.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2757
3rd post down.Has the full(I think) tutorial copied.