Some may be professional webmasters, some may be free lance webmasters, and then some may be parttime or pick up webmasters. But there may be something else that helps pay the bills.
What is your main money maker or job? Or, are you a student? What helps you pay the bills?
Great question! I'm a Grad student in Cambridge Massachusetts (studying Government). Next I will be going to law school to study cyber law. In other words law related to Webmasters.
I'm a part time Webmaster, I love the buisness side of running websites. I have the highest respect for great programmers and designers. I'm in awe of them.
my internet earnings isn't even enough for my kids' pocket money
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I too am a student, either going into marketing or journalism. Though there is the possibility that I won't finish school. I'm not terribly good at it and I'd prefer to do my own thing online. I'm waiting to see if I can do ok online before I decide to give up on school.
I also hold a part time job making about $800/month, enough to pay the bills and have a good time with the girlfriend.
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