Fix the sluggishness on your computer

rebelagentrebelagent Junior MemberShared Hoster
Lots of normal users don't know this and when you get into webmastering you start downloading a lot or visitng a lot of websites. So you need the occasional tune up

Worked for's sorta the basics but i love the programs they suggest. I love the crapcleaner the most ^_^


  • veebowveebow Link Clerk

    I think I can take a look true it. You can never be too sure. It sound convincing but I guess a trial will tell how effective it can be.

  • iamdahmmyiamdahmmy Link Clerk

    I have never heard of this before . Anything that can fix the sluggishness of my computer is welcome. I will sure try it. let's see how it goes. Thanks for posting

  • PrincedivaPrincediva Link Clerk

    I always face this sluggishness, I often release my hard disk space, upgrade my RAM and I still notice nothing serious change. I think I will need try this out too, anything that's safe is welcome

  • MoCheskMoChesk Link Clerk

    Thanks for the excellent shoutout! I hate when my computer gets sluggish. Computers are like cars. They need several tune ups to be up to speed.

  • I will try this out on my computer. it has been very sluggish these past days. Computer needs better speed.

  • temmy938temmy938 Link Clerk

    I haven't seen or heard of any computer cleaning application before, that can remove the sluggishness of one's computer. But, I will surely give this a trial.

  • This is so new to me never did I know I can do this. Will definitely make more research on this to find out more.

  • RoberachiRoberachi Link Clerk

    I always hate it when my machine gets laggish and heating up. Thanks, I hope this method works for me as no reviews so far.

  • StormStorm Link Clerk

    Crapcleaner sounds like a tool I'd definitely use. Thanks a lot for the recommendations.

  • SylviaSylvia Link Clerk

    All these are amazing programs. They can actually save you a lot of routine work.

  • DediRockDediRock Shared Hoster

    Perhaps we'll try this! Thanks!

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