I use Google as its SIMPLE. I have nothing against Yahoo but as i said Google is simple and thats how i like it because i dont want to read for hours to find what im looking for. Id only use Yahoo if im researching something.
I havent ever been in PCWorld, but something tells me they are dodgy lol. Yes, i dislike them because my head tells me to dislike them, i just do!. Maybe because they are Perfect? Mayybe.
If your saying "When will terror stop", then NEVER. Some people are just paranoid in killing and blowing. If your saying "When will this case stop" then i have no idea, maybe when they find what they are looking for and blame who…
1. Are you self-taught, have formal training or a bit of both?
Im taught in college and Im also self-taught at home to do courses from "Home Learning College".
2. During the time you're not online what are you most likely to be doing?
I havent heard of WebmasterForum.com. Ive heard of DNForum though and they are an UGLY forum. I just dont like how they've set up DNForum. Ive just visited WebmasterForum.com and now i see what you guys mean about merged.
All the forums i use are webmaster related, i dont see any point in using a forum to discuss music, games..etc, unless its IN a webmaster forum :D. I dont think ive posted in a Non-Webmaster forum since i got my internet :banghead: :banghead: