ok, ive been away from my personal computer for the last cupple of days(family) so, i will be back at it tomarrow, i will work on it tomarrow... sorry for the wait :D
eh, its not what its all cracked up to be, and now its out of Beta testion, which means it's not free anymore, and there not selling it right now... Im running Vista RC1 right now... still just windows, they just took away the "blue screen of d…
well, i dont do webdesign as a rule, but here is most of the anwsers...
What is your screen resolution? 1280x1024
Do you take other screen resolution sizes into account when designing? YES
What is your primary browser? Opera --> ww w.opera.com…
lol, that was John.... My real name is jonathan, but i hate that name, its too damn long........ so i just go by Jon or bill
FYI, bill is a nick name form my bro, he gave it to me cuz "I know everything"~My bro, he got it form t…
Thanks for the feedback, let me fix the spelling errors (im a graphic designer, not a dictonary :D) and let me see if i can get the font color for the sloan to look good on that blue background.........
BTW, chirag, i like it :D looks good..... and…
Ok, before i enter, here in a few, i need to know if you want deluxenames.com or just deluxnames for the logo?
also, is there any tag lines you want for the header
here is the entery, atleast part of it, there is more to come, i just ran ou…
Thank you, i will enter something tomarrow, when im not trying to fall asleep at the keyboard :D
I will just enter it in some size that looks good on the screen :D i can adjust it later
This is a very long explenation of web 2.0, good though
Web 2.0, in my oppion, is using rounded corrnors, "shinny", lots of gradent, "fun&qu…
Thanks for the great welcome, to clear this up, i usaly go by bill online, and jon in real life. you can call me either one, i respond to either online and in real life :D
I go to high school for the first 3 hours of the day (8:30-11:15am) and for the rest of the day, i go to Collage (1:00-3:50pm)
ww w.almasd.net = high school Alma Arkansas
ww w.uafortsmith.edu = Collage
I go to the collage for Automotive Technoalg…