rallyfan... stop with this, you broke our TOS (loacted here http://www.robo-hosting.com/tos.html) so I deleted your account. SIMPLE btw hacking our msn wasn't a good idea ;)
yer what do you use to make them ? And do you use any other type of brushes ? If so were :P hehe lol sorry about all the Q's but they all look amazing !
Well I didn't know and steve told me that they were all transfered properly... As I didn't transfer the account I think steven owes you the money. Anyway don't you have any copies of your site? And as I said I am still willing to help you and you ca…
Excuse me Rallyfan, but you didn't know what you were talking about. The account was transfered by Steven, and he assures me everything was copied over. The sites were not up due to you not having set the DNS, and when you said 'Ok I just have' you …