Easu, trialing cursors drives me batty, tons of glitter which makes the website looks like a cheap hotel in Vegas, ads that you cannot get rid of, tons of java, webpages which have tiny pints and won't allow you to use the mouse ball and ctlr key to…
Hmm, I'm like a mad priate without her bottle of rum if I cannot get online, even if I do nothing but turn on the computer and leave it connected to the internet, I need to know its on and there. LOL
Hmm... I use a 800 x 600 and it looks.. well very off and I have to scroll from side to side.... on 1024 x 768 it is very large, on 1600 x 1200 I decide to see how the looked and it looked okay.. Because of my eye sight I stink to 800 x 600 or 95…
Hey take off my outfit! -=sighs=- Keep it on as long as you are not in my neck of the woods. Every year at my work of business we dress up, I usually just wear the pirate hate and strap a plastic sword to my belt. ginapirate
-=just discovers this thread=- Umm no, its the other way around. My sons lives with me and I have a grand crotch cricket there too!
The person below me have been told by someone they admire, that they want them to have their love child.
Hmmm lots of pros and cons when it comes to lap tops from what I have read so far. I have a desktop and I'm happy with it. Will there be a lap top in my future? Don't know only time will tell. :)
I'm more funny on line and off, at least "I" think so. It's a lot easier here than in person. Though get me pissed off and I will eat you alive in person without thinking twice about it, online I have the time to think and then eat you al…
AND those are the same forums which abuse copyright laws, do not respect artist or any one Else's TOU and discriminate against other women who are better than them and from what I have seen the men they treat ****ty are twice as good as the…
Yes I agree!
I do not like having someone talking to me in a condescending tone. So what if I am not on to of the las test software or hardware, so what if I prefer to use the older ones, does that make me dumb? I think not.
And I do not know about…
Hmm.. I have nto changed mine since it went up a few years ago. It should be updated, the format should be changed but I have not found a format I like and can work with. So it stays as it is until I do. BTW, I want to keep my banner so that is ano…
Yup there are some silly people like me who still use PSP, I have PSP X, but rarely use it since I cannot adjust it too suit my visiual needs so I continue to use PSP 9. Hopefully soon I will learn how to use Photo Shop -=smiles at Katra and Moddy=…