1. Daniel's needs are like any other two-year-old
2. Daniel needs time and understanding that he has many feelings of grief, loss, and abandonment.
3. Daniel needs a permanent family to call home!
4. Daniel needs someone to brush his teeth for him e…
On forums like this, never use the same password as you do for your important accounts. Sometimes forums get hacked. If the hacker gets your password for a forum, he will try to use it on your paypal, bank, and ebay accounts.
If you have a hard t…
This won't help you with the .mht problem, but I'd recommend that stop the most basic theft first, stop people from right clicking to copy and past your files.
Here is the "No right-click script" (paste into the header tags)
Well, if you want the best of the best, you go to the Master.
Google never released this OS did they? Or else the rumors weren't true and they were never building it.
If it wasn't for your Microsoft based Windows PC's that most of you are using, none of ya all would be here.
I think we should take a moment to thank Bill.
I saw devdreams for sale at DigitalPoint and checked out the forum.
When I see the links highlighted in blue on top of the results, I know that their paid ads and not the ones with the highest page rank.
Google users are smart enough to know that. Every search engine does the same thing. They need to make money t…
You have some good points. Your a lot better at arguing than CannonBall who can only seem to use namecalling. So let me see if I can explain better why I prefer Windows (and I don't hate Linux by the way):
Years ago I used to do my own au…
Q = Using the Q element in Internet Explorer
If you were wondering what that other post was for, this is the reason.
The Q element ?is intended for short quotations (inline content) that don?t require paragraph breaks? and also according to the spe…
This is far from over CannonBall. I will convince you of Microsoft's superiority yet. Microsoft will beat Linux into the ground and then deal the death blow to Apple.
You can't fight the power.
Yes you are correct, my friends call me "Gates" because I believe in Microsoft: "In Windows We Trust"
Some Must Reading:
"Linux Lined Up as Virus Target"
"Of course we will see more and more attacks on Wi…