Thanks guys - nice to see the regular faces still posting here...
How long has this place been running for now?
It's looking pretty active - you getting much search traffic these days Python?
Personally, I don't agree.
I would get as many excellent looking sites as you can online.
I mean lots.
Then apply for a job.
There are loads of firms in the UK, and on NewMediaAge last week there was an article all about how difficult is is to fi…
Going into all the details would take ages, but basically G will look at the percentage of content that is duplicated, not what type of content has been duplicated.
As long as you stay somewhere below the 60% mark you should be fine.
But no way wo…
This is the new in-house-built MSN search engine.
MSN search is currently based on Yahoo listings.
When LongHorn is released, It might well provide a pretty large chunk of your traffic. Until then, it's not that big a deal.
It does look interesti…
Hi guys.
I thought I'd just give you all a little update.
My site had been sitting at around the 170 mark for about a month, when I tried something a little new to see if it would work to bring the site up in the results.
It's currently sitting a…
Forget copy and paste...
You could have just done it with one image and css.
That would have taken all of 2mins to do...
I commend your effort though. Next time learn CSS.
<shameless plug> - SEO tutorials :D
</shameless plug>
DaBoss is right...
Really the only thing that makes a big difference is inbound links.
I made a post about some good ways to get links here: http://www.seo…
first name:Oliver
location:Buckinghamshire - UK
age:21 in January
job: Pro SEO/ Web Developer
education: College
interests:Work, Other things ;)
website(s):Too many to list... Here's my blog:
It seems the PM you sent me has gone too tony...
Send it again could you...
(Python, you really have to get on top of these DB problems, it really not good)...