Well Bryant, I'm not the coder, I'm being a member on the forums, and I'm very proud to have my directory running with that script, it delievers a lot of quality, and the ACP is really great. No problem Bryant. There is a linkback in the footer as y…
The full free edition was released yesterday, and it has a lot of new features, and it's completly bug free, so grap this script, and get your directory running in a few seconds!
Chirag, nice tutorial mate.. Greycobra copied your post?
Or just google it and it will be in 1st page, Just type in Grunge Tech Signature mate ;)
Ahh, i hate waiting :) Really excited about the results though. Wish i had 1 or 2 more points at longest thread, but i still have hope in my winning.. *Excited*
- WatchOut
No members, yes. But maybe i moved host mate? I had over 50+ members and over 500 posts, now will you think it's urgent? Lots of visitors daily, 2 new average members signed up every day.. So yes it's urgent!
All this is on my previous backup .sql …
No offence, but i think this stink!
I mean if you own the pc, and wanna convert them into a huge MP3 cd, why would that be illegal.
You are using it for personal use, not like you're selling ...