James.uk I am readung a very extensive tutorial on CSS at http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/learning so I can have this changed made in a good way.
Thanks for all the help.
:) :rog:
Thaks james.uk I will look at all the detailes you have pointed out. I will definetlly like to make my web site to look fine for most browser. I wonder if I can have it to be IE and Firefox complaint using Fronpage only or if I will need a combinati…
I had been using table to divide the page I definetlly will look to fix this and the text. The ebay stuff wll jjejeje is for the commision. I toght that if appears many times it has more possibilities to be click on. But if you guys find it to overp…
Thanks Python I really appreciate your replay. I was thinking on trying it for $1 per click $10 top per day for 10 days it will serve an estimated 102 clicks. So let see if a generate more than $101 I will breake even but I will need 8 leads to acco…