my specialties are paid posting, blogging, data entry, stationary design, I can do templates in Adobe CS, I can give a go at some logos etc. I know a bit of php. I know css and html
Looks pretty alright you may want to work on a more lively design. Gamers love eyecandy and if they get a forum that lacks in that they will turn away.
Scams Spam and Hackers! Hackers are increasing and learning too many things and some countries will not take the internet seriously.
Your website is your property! Is it not illegal to destroy or deface other people's property??? So why should it di…
Well here's the link to another tutorial I think its basically the same as the one above.
LOL Wicked fire reminds me of the old old old spitfire logo made for a skateboarding company. I think mine is more rounded and less focused on fire. ;) never seen that wickedfire tho
Well I answered the age and school thing earlier but I am not employed yet. I spend an average of 6-10 hours a day online and at least 6 days a week.
LOL I hate the IPOD everything about it is bleh. Ok first off! Battery..wears down after about a year you have to send it in to Apple for a new one unless you know how to do it yourself and buy one old broken one from ebay.. Another thing not compat…
DMOZ i think declined after the law suits *spelling?* And they depend on a volunteer base of editors. How far would this go? That is why it takes about 2 years for everyone to be accepted or rejected. They have 2 mil requests and only 45 people to a…
I have a reseller with and so far i've only been down once in about 8 months. Sometimes it lags but they fix it right away! 24/7 live chat support is a great reason to get them. Servers start at 119 I believe. I got an offe…
On some forums people who post new threads will not have their forum signature up. Or maybe she has to post a certain amount for it to show up. I think mine showed up after 5 posts
Adobe Photoshop CS ;) The best graphics software for me. I would've done in Illustrator but I don't have it v.v I even got a graphics pen for a vector program!
I'm 18 and a very part time student I go to school once a week for one hour. I am an independent study student. So my time is flexible. I'll PM you right now just wanted everyone to know more about me.
They did accept kid porn at one point and argued it was freedom of speech...I think they were good until I heard that. I just stick with google. I know you can find anything on google but I can't escape them if i don't list myself my site gets throw…
I'm immune to them unless it says free domain or something that is in my field of work. I never click anything these days...its about a 50/50 chance of spyware on the other side now lol
As long as you don't charge or illegally download the song there is no illegal thing about if i remember right.
Best way to do this is go to myspace and all the indie bands in highschool...ask them for an mp3 and put it on your radio and ha…
MOMMA! lol ;) don't worry about possibility of us sharing IPs we live together but just temporarily till i get money to move out again ^_^ I use the laptop and she uses the main better computer...which i do get on but to mainly do my graphics and ha…
For starters don't start one like i did ;). LOL. You'll won't to research hosting needs. You'll also need to decide what type of Operating System you want to have on your server. If you have enough for 2 different kinds go for it (common OS…
Exactly and myspace is no tracking all the friend adders and message senders and auto accept things...really sucks just knew someone with 40k who got deleted last week. Man ever since FOX took over it went downhill.
Did you know that myspace has a …
torrents are popular but are dying out because the security risks involved. If you get that forum big enough say 1000 members+ and 500+ posts with active members you may be able to get $200-$500
The hyphen drops value and it is a long domain name b…