What would be really useful for me would be a file uploader for images that also creates a scaled down/cropped thumbnail and stores both in a directory... I kno there are are plenty of scripts like this on the net (somewhere) but a tutorial is hard…
its ok... sorted it. Uisng something a bit different...
$result = mysql_query("SELECT id, page, title, author, authorWebsite FROM poetry ORDER BY createDate DESC LIMIT 30");
echo "<UL class='list'>\n";
while (…
Thanks fro the respons felix. Sorry I keep asking dumb questions but i'm geting really confused here... I'm having some promblems with the code yuo gave me but am trying to figure it out.. Will have to post the pronlem soon if I cant get it...
i did @ least 65 (more likely abround 70) last week.. I suffer with insomnia quite a bit though... but then i sometimes sleep for about 22hrs so its all good.. I have a really messed up sleeping pattern...
Thanks but just got this
[PHP] $result = mysql_query("SELECT fileName,imgTitle FROM gallery ORDER BY createDate DESC LIMIT 1");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
echo "<img src=\"{$row}\" alt=\"{$row}\" />…