Here are the top Best reseller hosting companies in India, these are the companies they provide much better reseller hosting services compare to others.
1. Hosting Raja
2. Bigrock
3. Net4
4. SriganeshHosting
5. Znetlive
1. Select and stick to a colour scheme
2. Use templates.
3. Don’t go overboard on special effects
4. Content is King
5. Provide an easy to use navigation system.
Key Factors that Ensure Effective Graphic Design
1.Organization of Elements
SEO, which stands for search engine optimization, it can be defined as a process of creating individual web-pages. Its main intention is to provide better results in a shorter period of time as well as within a reasonable price.Its really user frien…
Text link is best compared to image link.text link will be better in that you can insert your details of services also. and in images it will be limited upto image only