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I have read plenty of comparison articles between the two main players when it comes to web hosting.
I host a small website for the video game servers I host.
I have used Nginx on Ubuntu (familiarity over RedHat/CentOS) for years and have become familiar with its configurations. The lack of (comprehendible) documentation and scarcity of developer support for Nginx is my single complaint.
I don't plan on switching myself, but I am wondering:
Which do you use and why?
Which is easier to configure and setup security settings? (on a Linux system)
Do large corporations use either of these (or both)?
The biggest companies have proprietary software of course (GWS, AWS, etc.)
Does one offer specific functionality over the other?
e.g: Apache is good for hosting web forums, nginx is better for hosting photos... (fake examples of course).
Does one work better in specific hardware environments?
e.g: Certain CPU/RAM/SSD/HDD types | OS
Finally, when it comes to hosting a small web server and web panel to control servers that are publicly facing - which is best? (I host AMP if you care)
I look forward to this discussion - I am glad I found this subreddit! I've been stuck alone with stack overflow answers from 8 years ago!
I have been wanting to learn coding and have settled on 3 possibilities. I had thought of learning Rails at 1st but many people are saying it's too easy and I won't learn anything. But I am unsure about going very deep into coding too as in this is a hobby, maybe use it for a school project kinda thing . So I am unsure if I want to learn node.js if I have to spend an excessive amount of time compared to other two.
TLDR: Looking for a framework that is simple enough to teach me everything about webdev but not too.tough that it will put me off from it.