swift 3d anyone?

well when i 1st got into flash and saw the tutorials here and there i saw this "swift" banner ad and thought it was just another Flash MX copycat so i didnt think much of it, but im starting to get heavy into flash gaming again :D and im exstatic about making my own games. anyways i just realized i have swift 3d trial on a disc i got Flash MX 2k4 and wow its like Maya for Flash, has anyone used this before? im a n00b at 3d graphics and stuff, i know more about 2d damn photoshop :p . its a trial but not a "full trial" if u get me, it wont let u save the files or make one for that matter so u can just basically practice on it but not really use the graphics in flash since u cant save or anything, they did this to prevent ppl from cracking their software, damn crackers :p oh well at least i have flash, but whats everyones thought on this program? it seems fairly inexpensive program too, in the mag where i got the cd it talks about it and has it for about 70 bucks so its not really that bad i might consider buying it


  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    If I remember correctly swift 3d is made by a company called electric rain or something....and just to let ya know it can be cracked ;)

    The Royal Ram

  • deadfingersdeadfingers Senior Member The Royal RAM
    lol yeah i know electric rain makes it and yes i know it can be cracked, but the one i have on the CD isnt worth cracking since the 'trial' i have doesnt let u save the files or it wont make the files actually so even if i were to crack it it wouldnt do me any good, but ill look around for it, but anyways has anyone used this? how good is it? seems like a pretty good program and has some good recognition from what i see. it looks like maya for flash :)
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