
Alright im making a new banner for this site and its a flash banner and it has like these "doors" that open up sideways and then it shows this "computer chip" like thing wit these electric surge things moving around on it. Ok so i need to know how to make it were after the doors open then stay open (in other words teh doors MC to stop once it opens) and have the chip movie clip wit the surge things to keep looping over and over. thanx


  • elsonarelsonar Beginner Link Clerk
    Alright im making a new banner for this site and its a flash banner and it has like these "doors" that open up sideways and then it shows this "computer chip" like thing wit these electric surge things moving around on it. Ok so i need to know how to make it were after the doors open then stay open (in other words teh doors MC to stop once it opens) and have the chip movie clip wit the surge things to keep looping over and over. thanx

    click the loop button.
  • DanDan Senior Member The Royal RAM
    or go into the movie clip to do the chip thing and don't put the 'stop' action script in, but in the main movie just put the stop at the end :) that should work
  • deadfingersdeadfingers Senior Member The Royal RAM
    Dan wrote:
    or go into the movie clip to do the chip thing and don't put the 'stop' action script in, but in the main movie just put the stop at the end :) that should work
    Chip thing? i know what u mean other wise, i did that. i added the MC to the scene and it didnt have a stop(); action therefore it didnt stop and it looped :)
    and elsonar what loop button? im sorry but if i knew where it was would i ask? thanx, not trying to be an ass so :D
  • kinkkink serious member VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    use an image flip and once mouseoverered it stays open
  • deadfingersdeadfingers Senior Member The Royal RAM
    kink wrote:
    use an image flip and once mouseoverered it stays open
    I have no idea what ur talking about lol but yeah alright please anyone that posts in here please explain more, i know how to loop now but i would like to know other ways.
  • DavidGahanDavidGahan Junior Member Shared Hoster
    Okay, well it's a bit late...so the banner is probably already finished...but do you know about the libary? To go into it...click on WINDOW, LIBARY. When in here click on create new, and select Movie Clip. Create the computer chip in here...and create the doors in a seperate movie clip. In the movie clip with the doors, go to the last frame and go into the actions menu. Click on Movie Control and then 'stop playing movie'.

    Now go back to scene 1. (what your in in when you open flash) and copy the Door movie clip and chip movie clip into scene one. Make sure you put the two different movie clips in two different layers, and make the doors the top layer. This should work.
    Jive Monk Studios
  • deadfingersdeadfingers Senior Member The Royal RAM
    lmao, well yeah im probably the one who uses flash the most on this site as u can tell by the amount of posts in this section, but yeah thanx anyways. The way i did it, and probably faster is that on the doors MC i added a stop(); action then i put the chip MC and the doors MC on 2 different layers and voila instant loops ;)
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