Anyone know how to do it like in phpBB? Im starting to get the jist of it, but its tought stuff. And im learning a lot in the process. But if anyone knows where theres a tutorial, be very very helpful...
id also like to learn how to do this...In phpbb ive made my own pages using the template system...just gotta alearn how to make them completely independant
i can do it phpbb has to be the easiest thing to skin ive ever seen in my life, i can do them all now, phpbb, invision board, vbulletin etc... i don't know how i never knew how to do it i'm getting dumber. my new ib site: for an ib skin.
i did a skin for phpbb but i hacked my old website and deleted it because they deleted my ftp account and i couldn't get back in what's left of it anyway lol
Maybe later Py, I need to get at least 75% of my project done before i realese any detail on what it is. Martian And I are the only ones that may know.
There is tutorials on how to make templates and how to make mods
Photoshop Tutorials- Coming soon
Premium PHP Scripts- Coming soon
Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's
The Royal Ram
i did a skin for phpbb but i hacked my old website and deleted it because they deleted my ftp account and i couldn't get back in what's left of it anyway lol
EDIT: Please do not post illegal related sites
well ive seen that in the phpbb code
The Royal Ram
The Royal Ram
Photoshop Tutorials- Coming soon
Premium PHP Scripts- Coming soon
Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's