Javascript Rules

PythonPython Forum LeaderThe Royal RAM
When posting in this forum you must follow these rules!

1. Do not abuse any one in any way.
2. Do not insult any one in any way.
3. Do not post racial comments towards the other members.
4. Do not double post the same thing. This is not needed.
5. Do not bump your topics just to get them higher up on the page.
5. Do not argue with the members of this forum. You may however share your views but do not let it turn aggresive and competitive.
6. If you know nothing about the topic do not post in it.Only post in topics which you understand or are interested in, dont just post to get a higher post count or more points.
7. When starting a new topic do not give it a uselss title such as "website". Call it something which is unique to that topic such as "PHP Website Scripts For Free" etc.
8. Do not insult or abuse the staff of the forum in any way.
9. Do not use the forums Private Message or email system to spam. They are there for a means of contact only.
10. Do not post small, meaning less topics which have no real content or contain only a few small words.

If you break these rules you will be punished. You have got 3 chances, break 3 rules and you will be banned. If you do get banned you must make no attempt to re register onto the forums under a different username. If you do your IP address will be banned so you will not even be able to view the forum.


The Royal Ram

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