Heart Internet ... Bastards

Hey hey hey, I have had a resellers account with Heartinternet and if any of you are thinking of getting one with them DONT they really suck. There servers are always offline, If you get more than two people on your website it takes ages to load up a page and there customer support sucks. Any one had expirience with heartinternet?
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Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's


  • CannonBallGuyCannonBallGuy Moderator Shared Hoster
    But when you move, I suggest you go with infrenion.com, I cannot fault them, and their prices are great! If they don't seem to ahve a deal to suit you, ask for a custom deal!
    Or, there is also vivehosting.com, which I know a few people here are with...
  • martian2k4martian2k4 Llama Hunter Moderator
    Also ... i just remembered :p ... That many PHP commands do not work ... i.e i'm sure you have seen urls i.e index.php?cat=php&&id=18546 or sommat like that. Normally you wouldn't need to put $cat=$_GET["cat"]; $id=$_GET["id"]; you could just put echo $cat; echo $id; because they are defined in the url bar. BUT it dont work on the server aswell as many other commands DONT GO WITH THEM EVER

    BTW Cannonballguy, I was thinking of using ebghosting.com they look good :D
    Free MySpace Layouts- Coming soon
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    Premium PHP Scripts- Coming soon

    Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's
  • CannonBallGuyCannonBallGuy Moderator Shared Hoster
    There site won't load... which ain't very good for a hosting company...
    According to their whois, they regsitered their domain the second half of last year, for one year...
    Personally, I would be more willing to give my dosh to a company atht registerd their domain 5 years ago for 10 years... ;)
    but, that doesn't mean its a terrible company, they all gotta start somewhere.
  • ArestiaArestia Member NAT Warrior
    martian2k4 wrote:
    Also ... i just remembered :p ... That many PHP commands do not work ... i.e i'm sure you have seen urls i.e index.php?cat=php&&id=18546 or sommat like that. Normally you wouldn't need to put $cat=$_GET["cat"]; $id=$_GET["id"]; you could just put echo $cat; echo $id; because they are defined in the url bar. BUT it dont work on the server aswell as many other commands DONT GO WITH THEM EVER

    BTW Cannonballguy, I was thinking of using ebghosting.com they look good :D

    the reason why those variables cannot be called by just echo "$variable" is because in the latest version of PHP released got rid of these global variables, requiring you to use the $_GET["id"] to call the variable. But,This global variable thing can be enabled in the php.ini file on the root. They probley just have the latest version of php.

    Arestia Design Studios / Synapse Corporate Solutions
    Daniel L. Rust - Lead Architect
    Seattle, WA
  • martian2k4martian2k4 Llama Hunter Moderator
    oh ok. Thanks for that bit of information i did not know. They still got slow unreliabl servers then but at least they keep up to date with releses of PHP and PHPmyAdmin ;)
    Free MySpace Layouts- Coming soon
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    Premium PHP Scripts- Coming soon

    Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's
  • tonytony Moderator Administrator
    id suggest websiteunited.com they do custom packages, im back with them finally :D
  • martian2k4martian2k4 Llama Hunter Moderator
    They also look good. I will look into them all :D ty
    Free MySpace Layouts- Coming soon
    Photoshop Tutorials- Coming soon
    Premium PHP Scripts- Coming soon

    Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's
  • deadfingersdeadfingers Senior Member The Royal RAM
    Well i heard of heartsineternet.com as a free web hosting place that has no ads and i was gonna look into them but not anymore obviously lol anyway i use vivehosting.com very good on prices and overall good customer support, plus they have a lot of good stuff to offer, they have cpanel! lol
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