Robo-hosting don't go there

rallyfanrallyfan Advanced UserVPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
I recently purshased hosting from this website (currently down due to a re-design) i asked them to transfer my files over to the new account and they only transferred half of them. i complained and they blamed the missing files on the DNS, after a lot of discussions about the problems i asked for a refund due to the hosting is not working, they refused, i then asked for terms and conditions they wouldn't send me a link to it.

I think their hosting is good if its your first time but if you want to move to them save yourself hassle and take a look at other hosting packages at:
for the sake of old times!



  • CannonBallGuyCannonBallGuy Moderator Shared Hoster
    Or try who are flawless and have pretty competitive prices.
  • DanDan Senior Member The Royal RAM
    Excuse me Rallyfan, but you didn't know what you were talking about. The account was transfered by Steven, and he assures me everything was copied over. The sites were not up due to you not having set the DNS, and when you said 'Ok I just have' you said 'They are still not up' and I told you the DNS can take up to 48 hours to settle. You paid for the month and you are still entiled to use the account and space, and I am/will still be willing to help you and sort this matter out. P.S. I couldn't send you a link to the terms as the whole site is down.
  • rallyfanrallyfan Advanced User VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    do you still want to be seeing my posts about your sites on larger forums........if not refund me and also steve said that not every file was transferred correctly.

    for the sake of old times!

  • DanDan Senior Member The Royal RAM
    Well I didn't know and steve told me that they were all transfered properly... As I didn't transfer the account I think steven owes you the money. Anyway don't you have any copies of your site? And as I said I am still willing to help you and you can still use the space
  • CannonBallGuyCannonBallGuy Moderator Shared Hoster
    Please use PM!
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