From Centralia WA

I'm from Centralia WA and am looking to learn as much about SEO as I can. I hope this is the right place to be.
Question:If Robin Hood was alive today wood he have top placement? Answer: Sherwood For"rest in peace"


  • ArestiaArestia Member NAT Warrior
    welcome, im over in seattle

    Arestia Design Studios / Synapse Corporate Solutions
    Daniel L. Rust - Lead Architect
    Seattle, WA
  • martian2k4martian2k4 Llama Hunter Moderator
    Welcome to DevDreams, Hope to see you around.
    Free MySpace Layouts- Coming soon
    Photoshop Tutorials- Coming soon
    Premium PHP Scripts- Coming soon

    Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    welcome to DevDreams and thanks for joining!

    The Royal Ram

  • CannonBallGuyCannonBallGuy Moderator Shared Hoster
    Hi. Nice to have you around.
    Can you tell us what you know about webdeveloping and what you do?
  • learnseolearnseo Beginner Link Clerk
    I have been working on my website since November 1 2001. I figured it would be a really good way to promote my wood floor business. I focus on adding lots of unique content and getting top placement for my keyphrases in the search engines.

    I currently have over 3000 webpages to my website and am getting the top placements I have been working for. I just recently started to build webpages to monitor if my placements are improving, falling or disappearing. I have found that it helps a lot. More than I ever expected. I build the webpages from the stats page from my host so it is not oriented towards what I think people are searching for but what they ARE searching for.

    Referral Page1 is one of these pages. At the bottom is a link 002 which goes to the next page. 002 has a link at the bottom of it 003 which goes to the next page. My domain is of course I have been noticing that these pages have started to get search engine placement too.

    Question:If Robin Hood was alive today wood he have top placement? Answer: Sherwood For"rest in peace"
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