alright, so as it stands now, my website,, has been doing well, earns steady income every month, increasing traffic, etc.
current promotion/advertising techniques in place are:
-regularly buying high value advertisements on busy websites such as,, through and, etc.
-constantly submitting to new web directories/search engines, etc.
-regular addition of new content to the site
-link exchanges with other websites
right now, the website makes money in three ways:
1. google adsense.
2. individual text links sold to webmasters through ebay and webmaster discussion forums.
3. bumper stickers.
while thigns are going well, they are coming to a standstill in terms of growth. i'm trying to brainstorm so new ideas/promotions/gimmicks/call it what you will, and am looking for suggestions. so far i've thought of:
1. starting some kind of campaign under which a small donation (not sure how much, but between $.50 and $1.00) will be made to a charity, either tsunami relief or finding a cure for cancer, or something else (not yet determined) for everyone who visits the site and simply signs up for a weekly/monthly newsletter which i would create.
i figure this would bring traffic, as well as craete a mailing list which would then bring more traffic each time the newsletter goes out.
2. creating some large signs with the URL and placing them at various busy locations around my area (already have 3 specific locations in mind)
3. adding some other kind of product other than bumper stickers, or turning up the heat on promotion sticker sales with some kind of promotion (not sure what)
open to any ideas
Photoshop Tutorials- Coming soon
Premium PHP Scripts- Coming soon
Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's