Pay For Specific Keywords

PythonPython Forum LeaderThe Royal RAM
I am testing out a fairly new form of advertising where the advertises url's can benefit by being linked to by specific keywords. - This site contains a growing collection of web related articles and tutorials and most of these contain quite a lot of keywords. For example:

That tutorial contains multiple instances of the word 'CGI'. The idea is that for a very small price, I will link every 'CGI' word to your site. This can highly boost your search engine rankings for specific keywords because your site will be linked from mine with these vital keywords as the text.

The cost of each keyword will be based on a bidding system. The person who offers the highest amount for a particular keyword will have it linked to their url.

Minimum bid for all keywords is $2/mo.

I recommend that you bid fairly high for your keywords because otherwise you could end up loosing out. For example:

If you bid $5/mo at the start of the month but then a week later someone else bids $8 you will loose out because you would have paid $5 for only a week... not a full month as you originally had hoped. So basically the higher you bid the better chance youve got of being safe.

So if your interested and would like to bid for a keyword reply to this topic clearly stating your bid and what keyword(s) you would like.


The Royal Ram

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