CSS Menu's

I am a big fan of CSS Menu's and I have gotten the hand of basic ones (http://www.kaziaz.com/v2/navbar.html), but I was wondering, would It be able to do the same thing with images as the backgrounds, where the image changes when you hover over it...
Is that possible with CSS?


  • deadfingersdeadfingers Senior Member The Royal RAM
    umm yes, i believe so, just put <img src="pic.jpg"> in for the text that you have there. For General for example you can put a picture and then it should still work imo i dont see why not, and the same for the links that come out. Good luck with that.
  • CannonBallGuyCannonBallGuy Moderator Shared Hoster
    No no, I want the picture to change to a different picture when I hove over, but it's ok, sorted now.
    thanks anyway.
  • deadfingersdeadfingers Senior Member The Royal RAM
    alright cool, im guessing you meant a mouseover lol
  • kinkkink serious member VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    yes i think
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