DD scripts

smith440smith440 BeginnerLink Clerk
just wondering when wil the script section on this site be up and running. cause when i click on a category it says that the page isnt finished.

im looking forward to it whenever it will be finished


  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    im still working on this sorry.

    thanks for bringing it up though.

    i need to learn some more PHP because the categories and files need to be administrated from one main control panel to make the scripts manageable

    The Royal Ram

  • rallyfanrallyfan Advanced User VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    ye wicked.

    i want to learn php but it seems hard and it only been a whille since ive been confident with my html.
    for the sake of old times!

  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    ye im learning php aswell. ive got the basics sorted and now understand the basics of using php with databases. not a clue what the next step is :}

    The Royal Ram

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