Add your referal!

CannonBallGuyCannonBallGuy ModeratorShared Hoster is a site from which you can search many of the major online search engines. If you search from, you get paid $0.02 per search which means (with a maximum of 50 searches per day) you can make $7 a week or $365 a year without referals.
If you refer someone, you will also get 100% of their earnings. So if you refer 2 people and both of them earn $1 a day and you also get $1 a day, you will in total earn $3 a day.

This is not a scam! is a sister company of which provide an almost identical service.

If you want to be able to earn $1 a day just for searching the web, please join using one of the following referal urls: When you join, you will get you'r own referral url. Please post it here or PM Python or myself, and we will add your referral url to the list.

Good Luck!

Disclaimer: are in no way associated with We will not be held responsible for any of's actions. We are simply trying to encourage those of you that already want to join, to do so with a fellow members refferal url.


  • TheDonkeyTheDonkey Junior Member Shared Hoster
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    Capt. D
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