It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!
<form name=contactus action=contactus.php method=post> <input size=30 maxlength=30 type=text name=name><br> <input size=30 maxlength=30 type=text name=address><br> <input size=30 maxlength=30 type=text name=telephone><br> <input size=30 maxlength=30 type=text name=email><br> <textarea class=forminput name=comments rows=5 cols=40 style="font-family: Courier New; font-size: 10pt"></textarea><br><br> <input type=submit value="Submit" name=submit> </form>
<?php $msg=" Name: $name Address: $address Telephone: $telephone Email: $email Comments: ======== $comments"; mail("","Online Query Submission","$msg","From: $email"); ?> <html> <head> ... </head> <body> ... </body> </html>
this should work - i've not tested it out though - blind coding. i've excluded the option buttons part as i'm not sure what you want there.
put this into any web page:
put this into a page named contactus.php (the name depends on what value you specify for 'action' in the form).
1. change the email address specified in the mail command to your own email address.
2. put something into the html part