here is the site that i have kept quite secret for a while and hope to god that it will become succesfull so register up if you want to and if you want to help me also register.
oh ye. the person that registers out of this forum gets free advertising for 6 months after sent 40 posts. the deal lasts till the end of this month.JUNE
not u fortune87 you already got it.
for the sake of old times!

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yup its
thanx for saying fortune87
come on guys tell me what you think.
anyway forune87 what do you think.
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VolumeBoost - Member Chosen Music News
i mean it has an organised layout which is a good point but then there is absolutely no content or anything good on the pages.
and the domain name, whats that about
what is the site actually about neways? you need to make it clearer
the only problem its not finished i am going to make it better and more things on the pages.
its my first site so give me patients please.
the site needs quality content quick if your gonna want to get loads of traffic
The Royal Ram
It is a neat arrangement, but I think you need to do some color adjustments. There are not many font colors that do well on dark backgrounds. Purple and blue are definitely hard to read on dark backgrounds. I suggest changing them to something easier to read, which may be the pastel colors for blue and purple if you want to stay with the scheme.
Keep up the good work!
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i will change the colour scheme soon.
2. On pages that arent done it says "sorry for the but the page is under construction please come back another time when the page has been done.".
3. The size of all the ormal text and links is hard to see. I am sitting with my head about 70cm away from the screen. I can easily read what I am typing but nt the normal text on your site...
4. You should put your own logo at the top of the forum...
5. What is the point in a box on the right called links, with a link called Links going to a links page?
6. On the link exchange page, the links to the Banner exchange and Pay for advertising pages are just text. =/
Hope I helped.
there are yours clues to what the site is going to be.