Table cell as link

PythonPython Forum LeaderThe Royal RAM
On the devdreams homepage, in the header I am trying to make the main navigation boxes clickable instead of just the text...

How can I do this? I take it that CSS is involved.

The Royal Ram


  • tonytony Moderator Administrator
    probably not the best way but instead of having the silver as a background why not just have it as a picture? that way you can just make the image a link
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    because images are not as search engine friendly as text links are :)

    The Royal Ram

  • CannonBallGuyCannonBallGuy Moderator Shared Hoster
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    but those images are set as backgrounds...

    you cannot do <a href="link">background="/images/img_06.gif"</a>

    that simply wouldnt work , lol

    Unless you meant another way?

    The Royal Ram

  • CannonBallGuyCannonBallGuy Moderator Shared Hoster
    Ok... True.

    How about:
    Your current code:
    <td width="144" height="30" background="/images/img_06.gif"> 
          <div align="center"><font size="2" color="#000000"><b><a href="/tutorials" class="mainmenu">Tutorials</a></b></font></div>

    Eddited code:
    <td width="144" height="30" background="/images/img_06.gif"> 
          <a href="/tutorials" class="mainmenu"><div align="center"><font size="2" color="#000000"><b>Tutorials</b></font></div></a>

    BTW: You shouldn't be using <b> or <font> anymore. And I think the same might apply to the align attribute too.
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    yeah your probably right i shouldnt be using those old tags... But it works for now and Im fine with it. One day when I get time I will update on the way I code :)

    The Royal Ram

  • ChroderChroder Senior Member The Royal RAM
    Use some Javascript. Here's a 'navToLink' function that would suit you nicely, I think. It will direct the user to the location contained in the first link of the cell.
     * Navigate to the first link contained with the object
     * @param object The object that contains the link
     * @return true
    function navToLink(obj)
        if(obj && obj.getElementsByTagName)
            var sublinks = obj.getElementsByTagName('a');
                window.location = sublinks[0].href;
        return true;

    I'd change your code to something like:
    [html]<td style="background-image:url(/images/img_06.gif); font-weight:bold; height:30px; width:144px; text-align:center;" onclick="navToLink(this)">
    <a href="/tutorials" class="mainmenu">Tutorials</a>
    Use CSS for all of it. Or better yet, put your style info into your stylesheet and give the td a class name so you dont have to apply a classname to any links within the cell (you can just specify to style all links that are under the cell).

    .navcell {
        background-image: url(/images/img_06.gif);
        font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
        font-size: 10px;
        height: 30px;
        width: 144px;
    .navcell a {
        display: block;
    [html]<td class="navcell" onclick="navToLink(this)"><a href="/tutorials">Tutorials</a></td>[/html]
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