I'm finishing this software site, and I'm ready to take your suggestions and try to improve the site. I have to notice that I'm aware that header is very bad. I'll change it within day ot two...
> Liven it up with a bit more color variations
> Rearange the center column so it is more spread out and easier on the eyes
> Change the background behind the poll to the same as the other navigation boxes.
1. add more color to the site
2. the main body is difficult to read with all the lines
good site overall though...
> Liven it up with a bit more color variations
> Rearange the center column so it is more spread out and easier on the eyes
> Change the background behind the poll to the same as the other navigation boxes.
Apart from that nice work
The Royal Ram
Photoshop Tutorials- Coming soon
Premium PHP Scripts- Coming soon
Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's
i'll see what to do with the weakly poll, it isn't so easy to configure. i+m not sure i'm gonna change it...
in a few days i'll do something with links on the left, not much, but i think it will be ok. you'll see...
in the end i'll have to put some space in the body (i've doubled cell padding now, is it any better?)
it will be more colours, it is obvious
thank you very much... you've helped a lot!
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