Hi! I am new to the Dev Dreams forums, but certainly not new to the webmaster area. I hope I can help out some here at DD, as much as it has helped out me over the past few months.
I have 1000's of posts all over the internet, and I hope to see everyone around!
Thankyou for joining.
Tell us a little about you experience in the webmaster area.
The Royal Ram
I am mainly a site marketing specialist, with search engine submission and link placement. I have built/designed hundreds of sites mostly for online newspapers that want a lot of user interactive features.
The only site I currently operate on my own is called "Web Devote". It is a new internet forum that caters to many different internet users, such as the webmaster or average surfer. Many new features are being added to it:
there's a great bunch of people here...
Photoshop Tutorials- Coming soon
Premium PHP Scripts- Coming soon
Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's
Welcome to the site, I hope more people with your experience care to join up here.
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