Limiting a textarea

feloniousfelonious BeginnerLink Clerk
Hi everyone,

I know this is a somewhat common task, but I'm having problems with my implementation. I'm trying to write code that limits a textarea to a certain number of characters (in my case, 250). I want to do this interactively, where the user cannot type anything over 250 characters. I'm not too concerned about cut&paste at this point, though I might update the script later if it becomes a common issue.

Anyway, here's what I have for code. Any suggestions are appreciated! :)

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

// set up allowable characters
var reg = /(\x46|\x08|\x09)/; // backspace, delete & tab chars

// function to limit textarea to 250 characters
function ca(e) {

	// set up variables
	var key;
	var area;

	if (window.event) {
		// IE
		key = e.keyCode;
		area = e.srcElement;

	} else if (e.which) {
		// netscape
		key = e.which;
		area =;

	} else {
		// no event, so pass through
		return true;


	// if the length is under 250 or it's a delete, space, or tab, allow it
	// otherwise, disallow
	if (area.value.length < 250 || reg.test( String.fromCharCode(key)) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;




<form name="form1">

<textarea	name="thearea"
			onKeyUp="listingsizebox.value = this.value.length;"
			onKeyDown="return ca(event);"></textarea>
<input type="text" name="listingsizebox" value="0" size="4" maxlength="3" readonly>






  • FelixFelix Junior Member Shared Hoster
    May I just add that using javascript for something like this is not always a wise idea. I could easily get round your 250 limit by merely disabling javascript in my browser settings. :\

    You should always have a backup plan too such as PHP. :)
  • martian2k4martian2k4 Llama Hunter Moderator
    If you use Dreamweaver then you can set the Max Char through that, Saves you coding it :p
    Free MySpace Layouts- Coming soon
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    Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    [HTML]<input type="text" name="textfield" maxlength="250">[/HTML]

    Just use that as your text field... that will stop them entering more than 20 characters into the field...

    The Royal Ram

  • ChroderChroder Senior Member The Royal RAM
    He want a textarea, not an input box ;)

    Try this one. It's quite a bit more simple.
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function textarea_limit(txtarea, max, chr_id)
    if(txtarea.value.length > max)
    txtarea.value = txtarea.value.substring(0, max);
    return false;

    if(chr_id && (chr = document.getElementById(chr_id)))
    remain = max - txtarea.value.length;
    if(remain < 0)
    remain = 0;

    chr.value = "Remaining: " + remain;

    <textarea cols="80" rows="6" onblur="textarea_limit(this, 15, 'char_remain')" onkeyup="textarea_limit(this, 15, 'char_remain')"></textarea>
    <input type="text" id="char_remain" style="border:none;background:#fff;" size="30" />

  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    Oh yeah. Sorry. My mistake

    The Royal Ram

  • kinkkink serious member VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    how bout (if) t.a.length< 250 send
    be nice and retype
  • kinkkink serious member VPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
    thats easy try this


    <script type="text/javascript">
    function afunction()
    var ata = document.ta.l.value;
    var sef = ata.length;
    if(sef > 235)document.getElementById("l").style.backgroundColor="red";
    if(sef > 250)alert("character limit is 250");
    <form name="ta">
    <textarea name="l" onkeydown="afunction()"></textarea><input type="button" onclick="afunction()">
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