Hi i am new and faced one problem to your site!

Hi I am new to your site and found it very good and interesting. I have submitted one of my article to your site and it is published also at www.devdreams.com/articles/a/31 but there are some problems with this article. The links provided at the bottom of the article is not made as a direct one, and < is not changed as < and > as >, ao it looks quite odd. Can any one of you please tell me how could i modify my article so that it looks good.


  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM

    Fistly welcome to Dev Dreams and thankyou for joining.

    Secdonly... Unfortunately as of yet I havent created a section where people can edit submitted content although I do plan to some time in the future.

    The article and tutorial system is set up so that you should enter code as is. By this I mean you should use < and > instead of > and < because it will convert them over itself...

    About the links - At the moment published links are not live however they soon will be within the enext few days.

    Tomorrow when I got a bit more time I will update your article so it displays fine.


    The Royal Ram

  • lakhyalakhya Beginner Link Clerk
    Thanks Python,

    Your site is quite nice. Thanks once again for your response.
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    no prob :)

    The Royal Ram

  • ViperViper Senior Member The Royal RAM
    hey, welcome to the site and hope u stick around
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