Hey guys just thought i'd get some opinions on my new design for an old site of mine
I was geting a bit bored with it and no one was joining so I decided to try and make it a bit more interesting. I've been getting into digital art alot lately (esp. dark photo manips) so I decided to add that.
Anyway heres the basic idea for the new look:
Constructive crit very welcome ...even if it is a bit harsh
That eye is still a WIP - Just thought you should know...
Use some CSS and make the left nav text smaller.
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fourtoone87: Did you mean use some CSS in my site? 'Cos I am... Or did you just mean use some to make the 'left nav' smaller. It isn't actaully navigation just google ad's in the place of usual naviagtion in the hope of more clicks...
EDIT: CBG is that all that's seen in safari, just the top? Any ideas on how to fix it?
EDIT02: OH fourtone87 did you mean the submission links? I see now... I should probably float the right or something shouldnt I? ... Will play with it later..
sebastianastill.co.uk - My Portfolio
sebastianastill.co.uk - My Portfolio
Then, you can define separate stylesheets to be used depending on what the browser is...
EDIT: I asked about this on webmaster-talk a while back: http://www.webmaster-talk.com/showthread.php?t=27472
sebastianastill.co.uk - My Portfolio
Don't s'pose you'd be willing to take another screen shot after I added the code? Unless you know a site that will show me the site in safari for free... Oh wait actuall I might be ok .. I'm on another comp so I should be able to get a free trial @ broser cam again...
Thanks for your help CBG
sebastianastill.co.uk - My Portfolio
Safari Style: http://strangedarkness.com/SD-v2/style/safari.css
sebastianastill.co.uk - My Portfolio
Changes are in bold.
Maybe one of those will work... maybe both, maybe neither.
You could also add a margin to the top of the #content div, perhaps.
Could I add you to my MSN so I could maybe give you a buzz when I've done it and maybe you could give it another look in safari?
sebastianastill.co.uk - My Portfolio
Thanks for all your help!
sebastianastill.co.uk - My Portfolio
This is what I see:
And this is the source I can see: Notice how I can see you'r PHP...