Dynamicly adding MovieClips

I am embarking on a flash project (my first) I am required to provide a map of sorts and allow the user to add nodes to the map. The node is just a little picture with a class attached to it with a couple of details about that instance.
Now I already have this semi working - I can dynamically add nodes (using attachMovieClip) which keep their own state information. And I can also drag them around the screen.
My problem arises because I want to also be able to drag the map around the screen. To ensure the nodes get moved with the map I AttachMovie the nodes to the map movie clip. I then make the map draggable and it works - the nodes get dragged around with the map however I now can't drag the nodes within the map - when I click on a node and drag it just drags the whole map.

When I say "make draggable" all I am doing is attaching a class to the movieclip definition that I nabbed from a tutorial somewhere:

class Drag extends MovieClip
var StaffName:String;
function Drag(){
private function doDrag():Void{
private function doDrop():Void{

I anyone has any suggestions on where I am going wrong or they can point to a specific tutorial that would be helpful. I would appreciate it muchly :cool:
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