delay db update until confirmed by user

cullie140cullie140 BeginnerLink Clerk
I am creating a online xbox game teammanager. This is actually the biggest asp project ive done. Most of what ive done in the past has been rather simple. What I am trying to do right now is make it so that a user can login and then complete a form to join a team. Then When that teams captain logs-in he will have to confirm the new member. I am simply looking for best method to do this.

I was thinking of just creating a table and storing the awaiting team members info there and then when the team captain logs in and confirms the member it would transfer the information from the temp table to the new table. Not sure if this is the best method. Thanks for any ideas.


  • gillygilly Junior Member Shared Hoster
    Another method would be to add an extra field to the table like 'approved' and set it to '0' by default and then when the captain logs in and verfies it, that value is changed to '1' or deleted if not accepted.

    Then to reflect this in the scripts, when doing the query you only allow the approved column if it is set to '1'.

    So if the column is '0' for that player they aren't seen as a member of that team!
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    I use the method above as gilly said. works perfect

    The Royal Ram

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