NuvoForum LeaderVPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
I am proficient in the use of HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0 & CSS2.
I know enough PHP and SQL (mySQL and SQLite) to get by and I have a fair idea of what I'm doing when it comes to Delphi (Object Pascal).
I don't know a lot of python, even though I did integrate it into a source code editor I was building (it ran python scripts) and although I have something like 7 books on C++ and C# programming, I never really bothered to learn either of them.
I stopped using BASIC after a brief encounter with QBASIC, Java never really appealed to me, I don't need or want to learn to use ASP and JavaScript is often messy and requires workarounds thanks to conflicting implementations (or just that Explorer is stupid).
PHP, CSS, XHTML, Delphi, Ruby on Rails & more. Current project: CMS Object. Most recent change: Theme support is up and running... So long as I use my theme resource loaders instead of that in the Rails plug-in. Release date: NEVER!!!
visual basic is what i meant, yes.
I learnt it at college, you can ignore all the bits about variables there is a way round it and that is 1 of the reasons why vb was actually made, so you can ignore whatever your teacher says about them
NuvoForum LeaderVPS - Virtual Prince of the Server
Visual BASIC uses variables in the same way as PHP in that it autmatically creates them as variant type variables, meaning they'll hold anything.
Most decent languages support variant type variables, but it's sometimes better to use typed variables so that you know what will be in them.
It's no good trying to do "I like shoes" + 47 as you'll not get the answer you want unless you were looking for "I like shoes47" or something like that
I usually prefer to use variables like those in Delphi (Object Pascal) where you have to define the variable and it's type before using it since it helps prevent such problems (Delphi does support variant type variables, but they need to be defined before use).
PHP, CSS, XHTML, Delphi, Ruby on Rails & more. Current project: CMS Object. Most recent change: Theme support is up and running... So long as I use my theme resource loaders instead of that in the Rails plug-in. Release date: NEVER!!!
I'm learning PHP, but very very slowly.
But from the poll, PHP & CSS!
I know enough PHP and SQL (mySQL and SQLite) to get by and I have a fair idea of what I'm doing when it comes to Delphi (Object Pascal).
I don't know a lot of python, even though I did integrate it into a source code editor I was building (it ran python scripts) and although I have something like 7 books on C++ and C# programming, I never really bothered to learn either of them.
I stopped using BASIC after a brief encounter with QBASIC, Java never really appealed to me, I don't need or want to learn to use ASP and JavaScript is often messy and requires workarounds thanks to conflicting implementations (or just that Explorer is stupid).
Current project: CMS Object.
Most recent change: Theme support is up and running... So long as I use my theme resource loaders instead of that in the Rails plug-in.
Release date: NEVER!!!
from that list im probably actually best at vb but i chose other for html
The Royal Ram
Photoshop Tutorials- Coming soon
Premium PHP Scripts- Coming soon
Haha i should really do some work so i can remove all the coming soon's
I learnt it at college, you can ignore all the bits about variables there is a way round it and that is 1 of the reasons why vb was actually made, so you can ignore whatever your teacher says about them
Most decent languages support variant type variables, but it's sometimes better to use typed variables so that you know what will be in them.
It's no good trying to do "I like shoes" + 47 as you'll not get the answer you want unless you were looking for "I like shoes47" or something like that
I usually prefer to use variables like those in Delphi (Object Pascal) where you have to define the variable and it's type before using it since it helps prevent such problems (Delphi does support variant type variables, but they need to be defined before use).
Current project: CMS Object.
Most recent change: Theme support is up and running... So long as I use my theme resource loaders instead of that in the Rails plug-in.
Release date: NEVER!!!