strlen Help

coolhomecoolhome Junior MemberShared Hoster
What is wronge with this
if(strlen($_POST) < '30' || strlen($_POST) < '35' || strlen($_POST) < '30' || strlen($_POST) < '30') {
//ERROR goes here

It will not make sure is user is greater than 30 erros but dont work ect email is 35. Why it works but every time you try something it will show the error and stop when user ect is smaller the that number...


  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    That script looks fine to me... It will display the error code if any of them are less than 30 characters. If they are more than 30 characters then it will carry on as normal...

    The Royal Ram

  • coolhomecoolhome Junior Member Shared Hoster
    opps i ment greater than 30 or 35 so i need a < not a > . . .
    Sorry my mess up. I need to pay more think to this. SORRY!
  • PythonPython Forum Leader The Royal RAM
    no problem :)

    Ive made mistakes like that in the past ;)

    The Royal Ram

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